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e 學寫作王--創意寫作比賽-愛節能得獎作品集

4.6 ( 4016 ratings )
教育 图书
开发 Artemis Digital Limited
3.99 USD

書名:  2014創意寫作比賽「愛‧節能」冠軍作品集
使命:  逐步啟發學生,培養他們卓越的思考、組織、表達和溝通的基本能力。通過持續學習、

內容:  在四篇冠軍作品中,小作家們與大家分享了自己的節能體會和經驗,並表達了將踐行節能

科目:  中國語文
年級:  小學、初中、高中
學習評估:小學部分參考香港 TSA (全港性系統評估) 第二學習階段

活動報告:- 閱讀評估報告 (TSA學習重點)
     - 寫作評估報告 (TSA學習重點)
     - 各項練習的進度及成效

平台:  iPad / iPad Mini (完全版)

书名:  2014创意写作比赛「爱‧节能」冠军作品集
使命:  逐步启发学生,培养他们卓越的思考、组织、表达和沟通的基本能力。通过持续学习、

内容:  在四篇冠军作品中,小作家们与大家分享了自己的节能体会和经验,并表达了将践行节能

科目:  中国语文
年级:  小学、初中、高中
学习评估:小学部分参考香港TSA (全港性系统评估) 第二学习阶段

活动报告:- 阅读评估报告(TSA学习重点)
- 写作评估报告(TSA学习重点)
     - 各项练习的进度及成效

平台:  iPad / iPad Mini (完全版)

Title:   “Save Energy” Winners App

Mission: To inspire our students and to develop their basic core competencies
     in thinking, organizing, expressing, and communicating. Through a
     series of practices on learning, reading, and writing, we identify and
     further advance their potential.

Course: Sharing of the winners’ works and a series of exercises and education games, we
     empower the students’ abilities to observe, comprehend, and express a single
     subject in multiple ways.

Subject:    Chinese Language
Grade:    P1-P6 and F1-F6 (Hong Kong)
Assessment: Ref. to HKTSA (Territory-wide System Assessment) Stage 2
TSA Focus:  focus of Chinese Basic Reading & Writing Competency
Languages: Traditional & Simplified Chinese
Audio:    Cantonese & Mandarin

Topic:    In 3 essays with different choices, the student writers will share their
       experience of having a cheerful and lovely trip with their families.

Activities Report: - Reading (TSA focus)
          - Composition (TSA focus)
          - Progress & results of each exercise

Device: iPad / iPad Mini (HD)